Carbon removal that regenerates the Earth.

Support regenerative agriculture, soil restoration, and carbon sequestration with Nori Regenerative Tonnes™.

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Carbon Removal Suppliers and Buyers

What are Regenerative Tonnes?

Each Regenerative Tonne represents approximately 1 tonne of carbon removed from the atmosphere and stored in the soil for 10+ years. Beyond carbon sequestration, your purchase also supports soil restoration and climate-positive co-benefits.

Key details
  • Immediate climate impact with co-benefits like improved erosion and drought resistance, soil biodiversity, and more
  • Third-party verification and quantification with partners like Soil Metrics and Aster Global
  • Re-verification every 3 years
  • Generated in line with Nori’s peer-reviewed Croplands Methodology
  • Immediate retirement upon purchase to prevent re-sale or trading of credits
  • Integration-friendly, so you can build climate impact into your products
  • Unique certificate tracing back to your project
View Regenerative Tonne supply and demand in our Registry.
nrt key details
Impact you can count on

Easy to track and showcase

Receive a one-of-a-kind certificate showing where and when carbon was removed. The certificate also updates over the lifetime of the project.

Third party verified and quantified

Third-party partners quantify the amount of carbon removed from each project, then independent verifiers audit the projects to ensure practice changes, data accuracy, and land authority.

No secondary sales

Nori Regenerative Tonnes are immediately retired once purchased, meaning they can’t be resold or traded. This helps drive more money towards carbon removal projects.

Fund a regenerative future, build a climate-positive brand

nori regen ag

A climate solution that’s available and scalable today

Regenerative agriculture relies on technology and practices that are available today with the potential to sequester hundreds of millions of tonnes of CO2 every year. Carbon Sequestration via agriculture is one of the top four ways we can achieve net emissions reductions by 2030 (IPCC).

Regenerative practices draw down significantly more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere than conventional practices — but we need to incentivize more farmers to adopt regen ag.

Support co-benefits that restore nature

Implementing regenerative practices supports a wide range of potential co-benefits, including:

  • Improved soil structure, which enhances erosion resistance and soil water dynamics
  • Enhanced soil biodiversity
  • Improved air and water quality
  • Nutrient-dense food production
co2 removal benefits nature

Help balance ecological systems and avoid climate tipping points

Carbon removal now, via regenerative agriculture and other available solutions, can mitigate peak warming and avoid environmental tipping points to maintain Earth’s ecological balance. Regenerative Tonnes provide immediate impact today, helping keep us on track to meet upcoming climate targets.

Elevate your brand’s climate strategy and impact

Supporting soil restoration via regenerative agriculture helps the planet while helping you build a more climate-forward brand. More than 65% of consumers expect CEOs to make progress on societal issues like climate change, and more than 42% have changed consumption habits based on their environmental stance (WSJ). Align your brand with positive climate impact and show your community you’re taking action with Regenerative Tonnes.

nori brand x climate

Book a consultation with our team

Sustainable Development Goals Supported by Regenerative Tonnes

zero hungerindustry, innovation and infrastructureresponsible consumption and productionclimate actionlife on land

“One thing I love about Nori is preserving biodiversity and getting back to what farmers used to be - an integrated community between biome, farmers, plants, a whole microcosm of what should be going on across the planet."

- Justin Joyner, Freshpet Sustainability Lead
View Freshpet’s account page

Regenerative agriculture suppliers in Nori’s marketplace

Nori works with independent farms, like Harborview Farms, as well as agricultural companies, like Bayer, to scale the transition to regenerative agriculture. Farmers implement regenerative practices like cover cropping, diversified crop rotations, and conservation tillage that increase carbon storage on their land, then Regenerative Tonnes are created that represent the carbon stored.

angela knuth
Angela Knuth
trey hill
Trey Hill
kelly garett
Kelly Garrett
trey hill quote

On the ground, your purchase of carbon credits is a tangible investment that provides my team at Harborview with the tools and technology we need to maintain the way we farm.

The extra budget might buy extra seeds for a new, pollinator-friendly cover crop mix, plating attachments or other innovative equipment. And that practical support doesn’t go unnoticed. For other, more traditional farmers, it’s a real incentive to change their ways as well.

Trey Hill

We’re committed to making carbon markets more transparent for buyers and suppliers.

We worked with the Agricultural Climate Markets Collaborative to develop Principles for Transparency in Agricultural Carbon Markets — read them here.

How do Regenerative Tonnes fit into your climate portfolio?

Whether you’re taking climate action for the first time, or adding to an extensive portfolio of carbon credits, regenerative agriculture can help bolster your company’s climate impact. Consider Regenerative Tonnes as a way to:

  • Support regenerative agriculture’s co-benefits and the expansion of regenerative practices
  • Diversify your impact when included in a portfolio alongside avoidances, reductions, or other nature-based carbon removal and storage methods
  • Complement future, catalytic CDR purchases with current, immediate-impact CDR
carbon portfolio

Integrate climate impact into your product

Nori integrations enable you to customize your climate impact and empower your community to remove carbon, restore soils, and mitigate climate change. Our API and Smart Contract allow businesses of all stages, sizes, and tech stacks to get involved, so you can start driving impact that multiplies with every transaction.

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Frequently Asked Questions

When and where does the carbon removal for Nori Regenerative Tonnes take place?

The vintage years for our supplier's credits are listed on our Registry page, with new credits coming online frequently. When you purchase Regenerative Tonnes, your certificate shows where and when carbon was removed and is updated throughout the certificate’s lifetime.

Currently, all carbon removals take place on US farmland in line with Nori’s US Croplands Methodology. On our Registry page, you can see which states each farmer operates in, and when you receive a certificate, you can see your supplier, when the carbon was removed, and approximately where your carbon is stored.

How do Nori Regenerative Tonnes get created?

Regenerative Tonnes are created using the following steps:

  1. Suppliers provide project data
  2. An independent third-party estimates carbon removal — The Regenerative Tonne quantity is determined based on carbon amounts tracked in the model; The model Nori uses is based on the USDA Blue Book-approved COMET-Farm carbon accounting system and greenhouse gas implementation tool and is underpinned by soil sampling. This is a third-party model and the soil organic carbon is independently quantified.
  3. A separate third-party verifier ensures that the supplier’s data is accurate and represents real carbon removal and storage.
  4. Then, the Nori Regenerative Tonnes get listed in Nori’s marketplace, where buyers can purchase them.
  5. Buyers can track and share their impact with unique carbon removal certificates.
How does Nori ensure Regenerative Tonne quality?

Regenerative Tonne quality is ensured in the following ways:

  1. All credits are ex-post, which means the carbon has already been removed. We do not sell reduction or avoidance credits.
  2. We use a third-party verifier to ensure that farmers have adopted regenerative practices and maintain these practices;
  3. The model Nori uses is based on the USDA Blue Book-approved COMET-Farm carbon accounting system and greenhouse gas implementation tool and is underpinned by soil sampling. This is a third-party model and the soil organic carbon is independently quantified;
  4. Nori employs a dynamic baseline, measuring only carbon sequestration that occurs above and beyond modeled scenarios of what would have naturally occurred. This is crucial for accurately quantifying how much extra carbon dioxide is being removed from the soils, where carbon levels can fluctuate naturally;
  5. Nori conservatively quantifies carbon credits by taking the lesser of two soil organic carbon numbers the model produces and using that number to create the Nori Regenerative Tonne. This method likely undervalues the amount of carbon being stored in the soil (based on an analysis of all of Nori’s enrolled projects);
  6. The Nori contract is for 10 years because that is a reasonable period to monitor the practices and ensure there has not been a reversal (i.e. where carbon is intentionally or unintentionally returned to the atmosphere) or mitigate for a reversal;
  7. All Nori projects are recorded on a public blockchain and are visible on our supplier pages providing an industry-leading level of transparency in the Voluntary Carbon Markets. This provides buyers the ability to see the projects and practices that are being funded by their purchases;
  8. The blockchain prevents a credit from being claimed more than once and all Nori Regenerative Tonnes are immediately retired upon purchase.
How is the 10-year storage period for Nori Regenerative Tonnes determined?

The length of carbon storage is intrinsically tied to how long regenerative farming practices are sustained. Because of this, real-world considerations such as practical farming decisions, land ownership issues, and the impacts of climate change often limit duration guarantees to around 10 – 20 years for individual fields.

However, we expect farmers to continue with practices after ten years and continue to sequester carbon. Transitioning to regenerative agriculture is a significant commitment and farmers generally do not revert to conventional practices because of this, the higher yields, and lower input costs.

Can Nori Regenerative Tonnes be used for carbon neutral / net zero claims?

In short, no. However, it should be noted that most carbon credits available today cannot credibly be used for carbon neutral / net zero claims. See our Blended Tonne whitepaper for more information on this.

In order to make net zero claims, the carbon emissions being addressed should match with the carbon being stored in terms of storage duration. Since most companies are looking to negate fossil fuel emissions, which stay in the atmosphere for hundreds to thousands of years, and Regenerative Tonnes can only guarantee 10 years of carbon storage, a net zero claim cannot be made with Regenerative Tonnes alone. Note that most carbon credits available in carbon markets today do not meet the 100-1,000+ year storage timeline either — it’s mainly future credits (DAC, enhanced rock weathering, etc.) still under development that meet these requirements.

However, when Nori Regenerative Tonnes are paired with future carbon credits, which store carbon for 1,000+ years (but won’t be removed until a future date, e.g., 2027), via our Nori Net Zero Tonnes (NZTs) or by manually pairing Nori Regenerative Tonnes with long-term credits from another marketplace, then a credible net zero claim can be made.

What’s the business case for purchasing Nori Regenerative Tonnes?

Funding carbon removal and soil restoration builds meaningful climate impact into your business’s brand. By acting on climate, you’re distinguishing your business from competitors while enhancing trust with customers, employees, and shareholders who are increasingly focused on supporting businesses that align with their values;

  • 80% of consumers indicate Sustainability is Important to them (Source: IBM & NRF (2020))
  • 74% of Gen Y and Z consumers want companies to take a stand on issues close to their hearts. (Source: Accenture (2022))
  • 57% of consumers are willing to change their purchasing habits to help reduce negative impacts on the environment (Source: IBM & NRF (2020))
In 2024, we're on track to reach...
Acres of regenerative farmland supported
Paid to Suppliers
Tonnes of carbon removed from the atmosphere

Make a positive climate impact today with Nori Regenerative Tonnes.