Direct Air Capture Resource Hub

Read our DAC+S methodology, explore our open development process, and provide feedback.

review dac methodology

Read our DAC+S Methodology

Our DAC+S Methodology is in its final stages of development. Dig into the latest version of the Methodology.

guidelines for commenting

Commenters must provide a name and valid email address. All comments will be attributed and publicly visible for transparency. The first ten people or organizations to submit at least one qualifying comment will receive a complimentary Nori Regenerative Tonne, as a token of appreciation for their contribution. Qualification of comments and credit issuance is at the sole discretion of Nori.

Qualifying comments must:

  • Directly relate to the content of the CDR methodology document and address specific sections or points
  • Suggest specific improvements, rather than just general approval or disapproval
  • Not duplicate a previously submitted comment
review dac methodology
DAC+S methodology development resources

Development process, expert review documentation, & public comments

We’re currently in the process of refining our DAC+S methodology and are transparently tracking the many pieces of the development here. Over the past few months, we convened an expert review panel, underwent review cycles on multiple methodology drafts, tracked all changes publicly, and now — we're opening a public commenting window.

Dig into the process through our expert review documentation:

With our expert review and public commenting windows complete, we're now finalizing our DAC+S methodology. Check back here for these resources once we've concluded:

  • Document with all comments received
  • Summary of changes document
  • Revised methodology with all mark-ups based on public recommendations
DAC+S methodology development process

additional resources

Contact us about Nori's DAC methodology

Want to get in touch about something specific to Nori's DAC+S methodology? Reach out to [email protected].

Contact Nori's Supply & Sales teams

Curious about supplying carbon removals for Nori's marketplace? Want to make a positive climate impact with your business? Get in touch with Nori's team.

Read our Marketplace Standards for carbon removal credits

Read the quality requirements that we uphold for all credits in our marketplace. Read here.

Explore Nori's Podcasts

Learn about the latest news in carbon removal, climate change, and beyond with Nori's Carbon Removal Newsroom and Reversing Climate Change podcasts. Explore episodes.

Read Nori's DAC+S Methodology

Read Nori's DAC+S methodology – if you have feedback, reach out to [email protected].