Supplier Verification Summary

Bayer Carbon Program

February 12, 2024


1. If more than one party has ownership interest in the land, building and/or business operations that are located within the project boundaries, have all such parties assigned authority to register this project in the Nori market, on behalf of all parties, to the person identified herein as the project's Primary Contact?


No, this project does not have confirmed, legal ownership.

2. Is this project independent of other registries and programs and is there no conflict of interest where this project has been issued any form of credit representing real interest in the carbon removal claims outlined in the application by any other registry or market administrator?


No, this project not independent of other registries and programs.

3. Is the data the applicant submitted to Nori reasonable given the operating records (e.g. invoices, receipts, etc.) and any other evidence to which the Verifier was granted access by the applicant?



4. Does the data or evidence found in the applicant's operating records meet with the Nori Guidelines definition for completeness and accuracy?


No, this project does not meet my standards as a professional verifier.

Verification opinion

As a result of the attestations above, what is the final verification opinion?

Positive - reasonable assurance

Positive - reasonable assurance with qualifications

Neutral - limited assurance

Adverse - no assurance

Verification summary

This report verifies that no-tll, strip-till and cover crop practices to sequester carbon have occurred on 53,528 acres which are located among 562 of fields on 47 farms in the United States in the following 11 states: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, South Dakota and Wisconsin. Of the 53,528 acres reported by Applicant, 51,298 acres (nearly four times the area of Manhattan) equivalent to 116,032 NRTs were determined by the Nori model as eligible for NRT issuance. Third party verification followed Nori’s Requirements for Project Batch Verification v1.1. The key to group verification is the review of a random sample of fields and farms to establish a 95% level of confidence in the accuracy and completeness of the eligibility and documentation for the farms and fields in the group. The sample reviewed directly by Verifier represents 22,929 of the acres reported by Applicant (42.8% of total eligible acres).

Qualifying statement

We provide assurance at a reasonable level that regenerative agriculture practices that sequester additional carbon have been implemented since the switch event. Overall evidence to support eligibility claims provided by the farm is thorough, with field activity records, farm equipment records, and purchase of materials needed to support switch date practices readily available. Notably, for a given field, the verifier had limited visual ability to confirm switch practices across the entire field, as the photographs provided to illustrate switch practices consistently only reflected a small portion of either total fields or field for which it was submitted. We recommend periodic onsite audits, or more extensive video, in the renewal cycle to confirm the extent of verified practices.

Verifier's signature

David Jaber

David Jaber

February 12, 2024

Supplier's signature

Cornelius Streit

Cornelius Streit

Bayer Carbon Program

February 12, 2024

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