Certificate of
Carbon Removal
Serial No. NRT-00002753
Seattle Chocolate Company, 637 Nori Regenerative Tonnes
This certifies that the buyer, Seattle Chocolate Company, paid the suppliers Harborview Farms, Miltrim Farms Inc., and R.A. Pete Farms, Inc. for ownership of 637 Nori Regenerative Tonnes on September 26, 2023.
Supplied by
Trey Hill
Trey Hill
Harborview Farms
David Trimner
David Trimner
Miltrim Farms Inc.
Robbie Petersen
Robbie Petersen
R.A. Pete Farms, Inc.
Verified by
Janice McMahon
Janice McMahon
Aster Global, INC.
Richard Scharf
Richard Scharf
Aster Global, INC.
Issued by
Matthew Trudeau
Matthew Trudeau
CEO, Nori Inc.